Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Best Books I Read: Feburary

So I have something more to talk about than storytime, I'm highlighting my favorite reads every month.

The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend by Dan Santat

Hipster moment...thought this book was cool before it won and award. Like other in library land, I read through a selection of Caldecott hopefuls before the announcements. I enjoyed most of them (some were meh) but I was instantly drawn to Beekle both story and illustration wise. Dan Santat has done stellar art for several other children's books and its nice to see his work finalized recognized.  His art has an appeal of Disney storyboard with bright color schemes that remind me of the work of Mary Blair (if she had a computer and was edgier).
I had an imaginary friend as a kid so this was a nostalgic look back for me. It also vaguely reminded me of the show "Moone Boy" which features imaginary friends.

Henny by Elizabeth Rose Stanton

This book was just sweet and with just the right touch of oddness. It's the story of Henny a hen who is bored with hands. Yes human hands. Imagine adorable simple illustrations of a hen with human hands. I'm already interested. Even though she is teased, Henny discovers that being the same is overrated. In fact she embraces her difference and all the awesome things she could do. If I wrote it, Henny would use her hands to flip her bullies the bird and strut off in her awesomeness. Thankfully, the author has more tact than me. Charming, cute and also just a little weird.

Fraidyzoo by Thyra Heder

This book is golden with a surprise ending that makes you laugh because it is so spot on and true. The premise is a little girl who is afraid to go to the zoo and her family tries to discover what she is afraid of. After constructing elaborate zoo creatures out of boxes and other house hold items, the girl overcomes her fears figuring nothing her family has presented has frightened her. Until they finally visit the zoo and she comes face to face with the monster that has inspired her fear. (Spoiler Alert! It's the creepy old lady at the ticket counter!)
Nothing is scarier than scary old ladies and god if they are not everywhere striking fear in the hearts of children they meet. Pinching their cheeks! Making comments on how they want to buy them at the grocery store. Exclaiming that they just want to eat them up!  I have a 18 month old daughter and I've gone through months of this nonsense. Seriously old ladies, stay away. You are scaring my kid and creeping me out.

Slow Loris by Alexis Deacon

You really just have to read this because the illustrations are half the story. They also seem quirky and out of place for a kids picture book and remind me of the art found in a adult comic strip. Plus it is about a slow loris which is one of the cutest animals every! (Even if they do move really...really...slow)

What was your favorite read last month?

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