Monday, September 15, 2014

Banned Book Displays

I get really passionate about Banned Books Week.  Especially in my library which in a community heavily populated with churches and conservative Christian groups, it's my time of year to be "cheeky" for the sake of highlight the wrongs of censorship. I've already ranted about it this month.

I was stoked that BBW was going to focus on graphic novels this year; another part of the library that I'm passionate about. I got the resources, spent a lot of time on the Comic Books Defense League website, discovering new stuff and taking a great deal of time making a display.

We have three display cases in out library that are offered out to local artists/artisans/collectors to display their wares. Usually 2 of 3 are left empty so I got clearance in June from my boss and the library director to use it for September. I had prints out of banned/challenged graphic novels, examples of art work, QR codes so patrons could reserve them and fact sheets all about how books are still banned in the US. I was pretty proud of it. I put it up in the morning, before we opened, and by after lunch I was asked to remove it.

No not because I had offended anyone. Not because a patron thought it was inappropriate to encourage readers to check "bad books". Nope. That would have been worth writing to the papers about.

Instead the "artisan" of the month (and I use that term lightly) demeaned she have all the display cases, including the ones with my display set up in it. She couldn't produce a written agreement, and the person in charge of booking them with the public was out of the office. But she made enough of a stink, yelling at the other libraries that while I was apologized to by administration, I was asked to take my stuff out. I was crushed and humiliated as this old lady patronized me like I was her 2 year old grand-kid (As I younger person working in a library with older patrons and co-worker way past retirement age, I hate when people do this crap to me) While she "thanked" me for moving out my "stuff" I worked in silence because I didn't think I could tell her how heartbreaking this was for me without losing my cool. I had to remove my display about censorship to make way for some cheap ceramic chotskies! (Seriously it the junk in your grandma's curio cabinet that no one wants after she dies)

This is my consolation prize (I guess) I put up a display on the slate wall by the book drop. Which means I will probably get this added onto my work load as well.  There are some great graphic text quotes about censorship accompanying the books. Let me pull all the "sexy" "racy" "nasty" books to shock you as you walk in!

Teens had their own display of their books.


*If you are looking for a display idea for Banned Books Week covering graphic novels, email me. I have a whole bunch of materials that I now obviously have no use for!*

Sorry for the ranting posts, I'll turn my attention to other matters. Fellow librarians doing collaborative summer reading! Have you seen the catalog and artwork for 2015 yet? What do ya think?

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