Monday, February 9, 2015

Don't Judge a Book...

It's that time of year again.

Blind Date with a Book season

You've probably seen one at your local library. You might have been responsible for a type of display in your library. The process is a simple one. You wrap books in your collection with only the barcode showing. Display it for patrons to take a chance on a book and the best part if your "date" goes bad, you can just return it to the library with no hurt feelings.

So you can decide how much you want to decorate your display (Go overboard with hearts) or to write a description or not. I wanted to do something for this for teens, without writing "Check me out if you like long walks on the beach" or other cliche romantic things.

Then I discovered and spent waayyy to much time browsing the site. But I left with my idea "Don't judge a book by it's Trope."

My display is simply set up with about 20 wrapped books with colorful wording on the wrapping. Each one is a trope I found on to describe the book which were much more intriguing and entertaining than just using the subject matter.

Such as
"Adventures in Comaland"
"Twice Told Tale"
"Mr. Fan Serivce"
"Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie"
"Did you Just Punch our Cthulhu?"

And some others that were just great but couldn't include because my boss might frown on my writing four letter words all over the books

The little hearts explain the display, what a trope is and where to go to find out more about tropes (with a disclaimer that browsing tvtropes wiki is highly addicting)

Can you guess the title?  

My one note is that I will use different paper next time. I love the look of craft paper but I used our roll of paper that we use to cover tables for crafts which is really heavy. Use paper bags or lunch bags because I had to use an obscene amount of book tape to keep them sealed. And they still have loose wrapping!

Do you do a Blind Date with  Book display at your library? Let me know what you think about my twist on it.

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