Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's Beginning to look alot like Christmas

Bah Humbug! It's been Christmas since the day after Thanksgiving unfortunately because we had to decorate for early holiday events. And since yours truly worked Black Friday at the liberry, I was the humble decorator. (Though Yuletide decoration are not my forte)

 My co-worker was upset that I was responsible for this display because it had no pictures! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
December 6th is Mitten Tree Day which is a great opportunity for library programing ( keep that in mind for 2015!) Our younger patrons made a make a take mitten craft for our holiday program last Saturday and helped decorate our tree.

Also my boss want us to do a book tree. While I said this was possible, I thought long and hard about the specifics of it. We had a bunch of withdrawn books destined for the recycling plant but worried that kids would still want to pull them off. Plus many of them were thinner books. Then there was the pain of unpacking books just to pack them back up again after Christmas.

Then a Christmas miracle occurred.

Please ignore the cop cars. The police station is across the street from us

Our reference department decided to weed their entire collection of Contemporary Authors which became the branches I used to build our "Blue Christmas" tree. I think it needs some light to make it less Charlie Brown-ish.

Last Saturday we were busy shelf elves. Our city had it's holiday hoopla and we hosted two events at the library! We had a sign language choir and our Elf Training. We had cookies to decorate, toys to make, trees to decorate and present to stack. We had a ball! So much we kept the activities up all day. We had about 60 people show up which is huge for us for a non summer reading program (who usually bring in the big crowds)
Action shot of our shipping and handling department

And when we were all done, the shelf elves and I marched our book carts in the city's parade. Yes so I was pretty Christmas-out by last weekend...and it was on the first week of December. oy.

Another holiday to celebrate. Dewey Decimal Day Happy Birthday Melvil Dewey you old coot. I praise and curse your system in turn, but Non Fiction will always be my favorite section!

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